One of the most important outcomes of the weekend was the nomination and election of AKRI’s new officers. Ian Pritchard, who’s been serving as interim Vice-President since June, enthusiastically accepted our nomination to continue in the role and was unanimously elected. Laura Dorsey-Elson offered her services in the role of treasurer, and the Board unanimously voted in favor. And Frank Marrocco offered to serve as Secretary, and was also unanimously elected.
Our departing treasurer, Robin Engels-Heitzman, offered some important consultations to the Board about how to enhance both the success of the individual in the role, and the whole Board’s work with the financial aspects of its work. It’s with special gratitude, then, that we elected Laura, and that other Board members—including Jack Marmorstein in his role as President-Elect, and Keith Lequay, who, earlier in his career, worked in the banking sector—offered their services to make the treasurer a less isolated role. We’re all hopeful that we can turn over a new leaf in this regard, and would welcome whatever expertise resides in the AKRI membership, if you have ideas for ways we can continue to improve.
Regardless, we’re excited to have a newly constituted Executive Committee, consisting of Neil, Ian, Laura, and Frank, in their roles as officers, and shadowed by Jack, in his role as President-Elect. We invite you to join us in thanking everyone for their contributions.