Multimedia Archives - A. K. Rice Institute

Multimedia Archives of the A. K. Rice Institute

We are collecting and uploading media of interest to our members and the general community. Below is a list of our current offerings. The audio files are in mp3 format. Videos about group relations conferences are available HERE.

Media from the 2024 Dialogues Vl - Courage to Cross the Bridges We Cannot See

Media from the 2021 Dialogues V - Lifting the Veil Legacy and transformation in Group Relations

Media from 2019 Dialogues IV AKRI is 50 – Dialogues IV & 50th Anniversary Celebration

Media from 2016 Dialogues III – Back to the Future: Learning for Leadership in the 21st Century – Innovation, Adaptation and Application in Group Relations Work 

Media from 2015 Dialogues II  Authority – Is it a new Scarlet Letter? – Yours, Mine, Ours and Theirs: How did we get Here and Where do we go Now?

Media from 2013 Dialogues I – They are Us We are Them: Finding Creativity through Difference

Media from 2010 Symposium – Group Relations in America 2010 and Beyond – Developing a Resurgency Strategy

Media from 2008 Symposium – Leadership across the Globe – Transforming Organizations & Relationships

AKRI History Project Remixed - An edited commentary on the history of the Institute as compiled from a 1990 meeting held in Washington, DC.